Gayathri Ramamurthy
Gayathri is an HR professional and leads Learning & Development at Capgemini in India. In her current role she is responsible to make the most out of people’s talents by focusing on skilling needs of the future and strengthening competency building. Her vision is to leverage technology to create a continual and inclusive learning culture for a better future.
In her 20 years of work experience, Gayathri has led various diversified roles in Capgemini since 2009 in Diversity and Inclusion, Talent Acquisition, Management and Business Partnering.
In her last role, as a Lead for D&I, she was responsible for raising the level of awareness and ensuring that Capgemini is an equal opportunity workplace across all forms of diversity seen in society. She was also responsible for enabling a safe and equitable workplace for employees, through the Grievance Review Forum (GRC) and Policy on Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POPSH) forums. Additionally, she is part of the core team of the global program on Women@capgemini, to enable gender balance and build a platform for women to accelerate into leadership.
Gayathri brings with her an abiding passion in enabling transformation aligned to the organizations’ vision. Be it her role in setting up the talent acquisition process for engaging potential senior talent or in her role to build and develop leadership capability for tomorrow, she has been instrumental in opting for unchartered territories.
Gayathri commenced her career as a lecturer in a reputed college in Madras and went on to teach at management level. Her foray into the corporate world stemmed from a deep felt need to be able to apply many of the theories that established management gurus have developed, and which were the subject of varied debates during interactions with students and academia.
Through various life stages, she had the privilege to make choices to balance her life priorities and a yearning for learning. She strongly believes that the future belongs to life-long learners and that one needs to commit and strive to GET THE FUTURE YOU WANT!