Eika Chaturvedi Banerjee
Eika Chaturvedi Banerjee is one of India's leading Women Business Leaders and has, inpursuing her purpose, founded 'Eikam Resonance' - an organisation, where she, along withher community of researchers and facilitators, delve into ancient wisdom to solvecontemporary issues. Among other initiatives, Eikam also blends modern ‐day managementpractices, leadership frameworks & corporate strategic directioning with perspectivesimbibed from time- tested ancient wisdom, history, mythology and literature.
A Chevening Gurukul Fellow for Leadership & Excellence from University of Oxford, Eika isalso, by training and passion, among the leading Corporate Mythologists in India, best-sellingauthor of 52 Red Pills, and a sought-after speaker on matters of organizational & personaltransformation, meaning & engagement, diversity & inclusion.
Eika's business experience over two decades spans Private Banking, General Managementand Entrepreneurship. Post her MBA, she started her professional life as a Banker with over12 years of core operating experience in various Business Leadership roles with StandardChartered Bank, ABN Amro (now RBS), Citibank & Kotak Mahindra. She then gainedentrepreneurial skills operating her Wealth Consultancy 'Finsutra', both in India & Singapore.In her last corporate role, for over 6 years, Eika has been the CEO of Future Sharp Skills Ltd(a Public-Private Partnership between Future Group & National Skills DevelopmentCorporation) - India's leading Skills, Talent and Leadership Development organisations. From2020, she serves as an Independent Director on the Board of the same Company.
Eika's living is deeply immersed in her age-old Indian wisdom, and she regularly draws uponher Indian blood memory for her unique pedagogy. She is the founder-curator for Aakhyaansince 2014, India's first ever Annual Mythology festival, a knowledge platform that she hasconceptualised with the Department of Sanskrit, University of Mumbai - integrating thecorporate world, academia, and popular culture. Over the last few years, she has also built a"phygital" knowledge sharing platform, the 'Banyan Insight Talks' (BITs), a curated series ofgatherings with experts, practitioners, believers and seekers across the East and the West.